Course Outline 4th Semester

Course outline 4th Semester

National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)

MSc Semester IV
Module:          Role of Media in Governance  
Course Code   GOS-533


The Course is designed to give an introduction to mass media and its mechanics of functioning so that it helps the students understand its role in governance.


·                     Introduction to Mass Communication
·                     Electronic and Print Media
·                     Public relations and Advertising
·                     Normative Theories of the Press
·                     The Bullet Theory
·                     Cultivation Theory
·                     Marshall McLuhan’s “Technological Determinium”
·                     Knowledge Gap Theory
·                     Spiral of Silence
·                     Agenda Setting Theory
·                     Uses and Gratifications
·                     News Agencies
·                     Propaganda and its Devices
·                     International Communication
·                     Globalization
·                     Cultural Imperialism
·         Media and Governance :
o   Media as a Watchdog
o   Government Media Relations
o   Media Effects on Governance
o   Government Manipulation of the Media
o   Pakistani Settings and the Role of Media as a Watchdog

·                     Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and their Uses in the Mass Media by Sevem, Warren J Tankard Jam Jr (Longman)
·                     The Media of Mass Communication by Vivian John (Eighth Edition 2008 update)
·                     The Dynamics of Mass Communication Media in the Digital Age by Dominik, Joseph,R, (Seventh Edition), Mc Graw Hill

National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)

MSc Semester IV
Module:          Social Accountability & Political Process  
Course Code   GOS-532

COURSE OBJECTIVES  To familiarize the students with:
·         The concept of accountability, tracing its history upto the present day
·         The broader & narrower concepts of accountability.
·         The process of conducting accountability
·         The history of corruption in Pakistan and the history of the accountability forum.

·                     General Introduction to Accountability /concepts of Public Accountability
·                     Definitions of Accountability
·                     Understanding Social Accountability
·                     Types of Accountability – based on the Nature of Forum, Actor, Conduct and obligation:
o   Political
o   Administrative
o   Judicial/Legal
o   Professional
o   Market/Business
o   Information
·         Social Accountability Process – The Problem of WHO
·         Social Accountability Building Blocks. 
·         Why is Social Accountability Important?
·         Concept of Administrative Accountability in Islam.
o   The concept of accountability
o   Hisba in Islam
o   Administration of State and Accountability During the Times of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
o   Administration of State and Accountability During the Period of  the Caliphs.
·         Accountability – Pakistan Perspective
·         Corruption – A Diagnosis – Pakistani Perspective
o      Definitions
o      Forms of Corruption – Nature & Scope
o      Trends of Corruption Through Decades
o      Corruption in Public Sector and Civil Services – Current Trends. 

The subject will be covered through lectures, visits to agencies conducting Accountability and guest speakers and case studies.

·         Accountability: Managing for Maximum Results by Sam R LLyod-First Edition 2004 (Viva Books Pvt Ltd).
·         Corporate Governance and Accountability by Jill Solomon.
·         International Organization and Democracy Accountability Politics and Power by Thomas D.Zweifel.
·         Bribery, Anti Corruption Laws with NAB Ordinance by M.A. Zafar.
·         The Concept of Administrative Accountability in Islam by Dr Riza Mahmood.
·         NAB Ordinance 1999 Amdt 2002 by Zafar Hussain Chaudhry.
·         Power, Inc, Public and Pvt Rulers and How to make them Accountable by Morton Mintz.
·         IS-8000

National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)

MSc Semester IV
Module:          Business Process Re-Engineering
Course Code   GOS-531

COURSE OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the Course are to introduce students to:
·                     Understanding the Concept of Business Processes
·                     Understanding Process Activity and its analysis
·                     Orientation with the tools of process improvement
·                     Understanding measurement systems
·                     Management of Change and its dynamics
COURSE CONTENTS. The course will cover the following aspects:
·         Understanding what are Processes
·         Process Mapping
·         Understanding Re-engineering and its scale and scope
·         Process Management Methodology
·         Process Activity Analysis
·         Problem Solving and Decision Making Tools
·         Measurement Systems
·         Change Management
·                     Process Redesign & Management: Beyond Reengineering by Douglas C. Montgomery, James Sidney Johnson and Gary J. Feldman
·                     Organizational Transformation through Business Process Re-engineering by Vikram Sethi and William R. King
·                     Business Process Management – A Rigorous Approach by Martyn A. Ould
·                     The Reengineering Revolution by Michael Hammer and Steven A. Stanton
·                     Successful Re-engineering by Daniel P. Pertozoo and John C. Stepper
·                     Process Mapping: How to Reengineer Your Business Processes by V. Daniel Hunt
National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)

MSc Semester IV
Module:          Fundamentals of Project Management
Course Code   GOS-513

COURSE OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the Course are to introduce students to:
·                     Understanding the fundamental concepts of Project Management
·                     Provide information and skills needed to work successfully in a project environment and to accomplish project objectives
·                     Equip students with the knowledge of project management and skills that a successful project manager uses for effective initiation, implementation and termination of a project.
·                     Develop and train students to succeed on inter disciplinary and cross functional teams and acquire marketable skills in this field
·                     Prepare project feasibility study
COURSE CONTENTS. The course will cover the following aspects:
·                     INTRODUCTION
o   Overview of the Subject –
§  Definition of a Project,
§  Importance of Project Management,
·                                             Understanding Project Management
·                                             Attributes of a Project
·                                             Project Environments 
·                                             Role of Project Manager
·                                             Project Management Concepts
·                                             Project Management Constraints
·                                             Forms of Project Management
·                     NEED IDENTIFICATION
·                                             Project Selection
·                                             Preparing a Request For Proposal
·                                             Proposed Solution
·                                             Project Formulation
·                     PROJECT PLANNING & CONTROL
·                                             Project Planning
·                                             Project Scheduling
·                                             Project Control
·                                             Resource Considerations
·                                             Cost Planning & Performance
·                                             Risk Management
o   Project Auditing
o   How to prepare Project Feasibility Study,
o   Format of Feasibility Study,
o   Contents of Feasibility Study,
o   Making Accurate Estimates
·                     ROLES OF PEOPLE & COMMUNICATIONS
·                                             Project Management Skills
·                                             Project Team
·                                             Project Communication & Documentation
·                     James P Clements & Jack Gido: EFFECTIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT
·                     John M. Nicholas: PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY – Principles and Practice (Second Edition)
·                     Jack R. Meredith & Samuel J. Mantel, Jr.: PROJECT MANAGEMENT – A Managerial Approach 

National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)

MSc Semester IV
Module:          Multi Disciplinary Research in Organization     
Course Code   GOS-534


This is the Final Project for the students of M Sc in Governance & Organizational Sciences. This course constitutes SIX credit hours in the Masters Degree. Please note that the final project will be an individual exercise and each student will be marked independently. 


The objectives of the course are as follows

·                     To develop and enhance the research skills in student so that they understand and implement those skills practically in an effective manner. 

·                     To develop and enhance the analytical skills of students so that they can analyze the organization from different perspectives such as administration, management and social aspect.

·                     To develop and enhance technical skills so they equip themselves to handle the latest technological need or trend

·                     To develop a mechanism for students to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge


The research process will revolve around the following aspects:

1.      Read and understand the guidelines provided by the Department. Get your self acquainted with the research committee.
2.      Select the area & topic of research in which a students is interested
3.      Selection of the organization in which research will be conducted
4.      Submissions of Research Outline.
5.      Submission of  Registration Form and Consent Form
6.      Submission of Research Proposal
7.      Presentation and defense of the Research Proposal
8.      Periodic reports to supervisor
9.      Submission of final thesis
10.  Presentation and defense of final thesis

Students can select from the following areas of research.

a. Public Administration
b. Organizational Management
c. Social Aspects having an impact on Governance
d. Management aspects within the purview of Governance



The total marks for this course are 225 and divided as below:

1.            Outline of research                              25
2.            Research proposal                               25
3.            Defense of research proposal              25
4.            Monthly Progress report                     50
5.            Final Thesis                                         50
6.            Final defense                                       50

National University of Modern Languages
(Department of Governance and Organizational Science)
MSc Semester  IV
Module:          Disaster Preparedness & Management  (DPM)     Code: GOS 523


1.         COURSE OBJECTIVES:-    To familiarize the students with:
·        The history of Disasters and it effects on humanity/countries.
·        Types of Disasters &  its causes.
·        Preparedness for mitigating a disaster.
·        Engagement of civil society organizations, International NGO’s & Governmental organization, their roles/effectiveness.
·        Problems of Inter organizational coordination in mitigating the effects of a disaster.
·        General Introduction to Disaster, history of selected international/national disasters.
·        Types /classification of disasters
o   Earth quake – Volcanic Eruptions
o   Land slides /Mass Movement
o   Tsunamis
o   Floods
o   Draughts
·        Characteristics of Disasters
·        Risk Assessment
·        Major Requirements for coping with disaster:-
o Organizations
o Planning
o Prevention
o Mitigation
o Preparedness /Response
o Recovery /Capacity
o Research
·        Vulnerabilities in Pakistan /causes of vulnerabilities
·        Disaster Management and Institutional Arrangements in Pakistan
·        Forging links between disasters & development.
o The UN & NGO’s Role
o Community’s Role
·        Hyogo (Japan) UN Convention 2005
·        Multi Media Lectures
·        Class/Tutorial Discussions
·        Case Studies
·        Guest Speakers

·        Attendance (Regular) Class Discussions/Participations.
·        Case Studies
·        Attendance at Guest Speaker Lectures
·        Quiz Tests/Assignments
·        Mid/End Term Exams
·        Internal Evaluation
·        Quizzes /Assignments/      = 25 marks
·        Class participation            
·        Mid Term Exam = 50 marks
·        End Term Exam   = 75 marks
·        Total                               = 150 marks

6.         COURSE OUTCOMES  At the end of the course, the students will be able to:-
·        Understand commonly used “Disaster management” terminology
·        Understand what is meant by & the difference in Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, Prevention and Response.
·        Types of Disasters, their Causes & Consequences
·        Response of community /country
·        Inter organizational/governmental planning coordination & problems.
·        Analyze the role of NDMA, NDMC and comments on their performance.
·        Problems faced by Governmental Institutions /organizations who plan, prepare mitigate a disaster & rehabilitate affected people.

·        Introduction to International Disaster Management (Second Edition) by Damm (P. 2011 Elsevier Inc. Coppola)
·        UN International Strategy of Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) 2005 Hyogo Frame Work of Action 2005 – 2015.
·        UN Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) 2010

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